Bad roads preventing prospective buyers from reaching farm gates

Social Farmers Road

Residents of Adeambra and KpareKpare, farming communities in the Krachi East Municipality of the Oti region, have appealed to the government to construct the roads in the area.

Social Farmers RoadThey said the bad nature of roads in the area was affecting farming activities and commuting to adjoining communities.

Mr Kennedy Bawa Koyaja, opinion leader at Abukugya-Akura, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, expressed his concern over the poor state of the road, complaining that there was food glut in the area, but the bad roads prevented prospective buyers from reaching the farm gates.

He said due to the bad nature of the roads, residents were unable to transport their farm produce to market centres.

Apart from the farm produce, he said, there were also difficulties in transporting women in labour to the nearest Community-based Health Planning Services (CHPS) compounds for delivery.

He said the use of motorbikes to reach out to health facilities had resulted in accidents or deaths.

Mr. Isaac Kaliwa, the Assembly man of Abukugya-Akura electoral area, appealed to the Government to rehabilitate the feeder road linking the farming communities to facilitate the carting of food products to marketing centres.

He said the deplorable state of the road had been compounded by the destruction of the only culvert between the Fulani community and Abukugya-Akura by flood waters.

He urged motorists and other road users to exercise caution to prevent accidents that might lead to loss of lives.

Some traders said the road started deteriorating about 11 years ago and the recent rains had worsened its condition.

By Kingsley Mamore



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