Korea SHE Foundation is a non-profit foundation established to promote and create safe and sustainable households, workplaces and local communities.
2024 Global Seed Grant supports projects by grassroots NGOs and local groups that are engaged in community activism to tackle issues related to Safety, Health, and Environment. As small seeds enter the soil and blossom into life, Global Seed Grant is seeking for innovative ideas and projects that will blossom into action that will make an impact in their society. Let them help grow your seed of idea into a forest of action.
- Community projects that aim to find a solution to and tackle the issue in following safety, health, and environment areas:
- Air, water, and sanitation
- Agriculture and food
- Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
- Energy
- Consumption and production
- Human habitats and communities
- Climate adaptation and action
- Environmental education
- Safety and Health
- Each project is funded up to USD $3,000, to a maximum of 30 projects
- Among the funded projects, teams that show potential for further development will be provided with a continuous funding opportunity for up to 3 years
- Countries in the OECD DAC (Development Assistance Committee) list of ODA recipients on 2024
- Grassroots groups registered with the governments
- Unregistered groups that consist 5 or more people (Needs to submit a letter of recommendation from a group that is officially registered from its government)
- Overseas branches of organization from non-recipient country and INGOs are not applicable.
- Only citizens themselves or grassroots organizations from OECD ODA recipient countries can apply.
For more information and application.