We started Chemical-Free Farming on 10-acres at Shadnagar with focus on Soil Health & Nutrition; leveraged satellite imagery for understanding rainfall, wind speeds, temperature, likely pests, drip irrigation for better water management and also looked at scientific yield predictions based on above for growing leafy greens, veggies & fruits.
Over last 18 months; were able to slowly grow from 400 kg per acre/per month to >2T PA/PM and have a decent volume on our Shadnagar Farms to build Hyderabad market.
The battle for being an in-transition farm away from Chemical Farming & yet to get to Certified Organic that takes 3 years; starts taking its toll. There is no price differential from Chemical Farming to an In-Transition farm while Certified Organic is at the other high end; that’s a major disincentive to encourage farmers to shift. If our18-month efforts of being away from Chemicals-Free farming is NOT rewarded in market & it takes 3 years for getting Certified Organic stamp from Govt; it’s NOT encouraging to shift.
Despite strong promotion from PM & FM backed by Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi report on benefits of Natural Farming, the on-ground reality is a complete different story and doesn’t give confidence to shift for small holder farmer. The lack of a safety net or organized ecosystem for Natural/Organic Farming that is essentially on price discovery for growing crops Chemical-Free is still NOT available.
To avoid distress sale, enhance shelf life & explore value-addition; we have five 20-kg solar dryers and used for our in-house farm produce. With market price of Rs. 3-4 per kg for our Chemical-free tomatoes, Rs. 5-6 for okra & carrots; it’s very depressing and hence used solar dehydration for now. Second stage is find market for solar dehydrated products from leafy greens, veggies & fruits that curbs F&V wastage, enhances shelf life & most importantly helps avoid distress sale.
Hoping to find a sweet spot for our Chemical-Free | Nutrition-Rich fresh produce of 15T per month of leafy greens, veggies & fruits at Hyderabad.
Contact us info@maruthivillage.com to know more..