The Produce of African Farmers and the International Market


The issue of food losses is of high importance in the efforts to combat hunger, raise income and improve food security in the world’s poorest countries.

pesticidesThere are over 1000 pesticides used around the world to ensure food is not damaged or destroyed. However, these pesticides have different properties and toxicological effects on humans if ingested through the consumption of affected plants.

Pesticide residues in food commodities going through the international market have been one of the concerns of various governments.

Over 76% of Nigeria’s exported agricultural commodities are often rejected by the European Union for not meeting required standards.

Therefore, the adoption of proper Integrated Pests and Diseases Management (IPM) techniques has become a requisite skill for growers in the horticultural sector to be able to grow safe and quality products that can access high-quality paying value markets both locally and internationally. This also ensures the health and sustainable livelihood of farmers and reduces the adverse environmental impact of the food system on our environment.



  1. Awesome article. Pesticides should not be used on farms. They not just kill soil microbes; they are harmful for humans as well. By hurting nature, we will not go too far as a race. It is already visible in the numerous diseases we see since the past 40-100 years.
    #savesoil #savesoilmovement #savesoilsaveenvironment #journeyforsoil #consciousplanet #sadhguru
    Action Now: Let us make it happen

  2. A Big THANKS to our farmers. I am always amazed what you are able to accomplish. Our hungry world is well cared for by you. May Allah bless you with good health to continue your wonderful caring work.”


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