Deadline: 1st July 2024
The Youth Climate Justice Fund provides core flexible funding to emerging youth climate justice groups.
Grants of up to USD 20,000.
Your group or collective is led by young people aged 35 years and below.
Your group, network or collective is based in East Asia and Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, South Asia, Europe and Central Asia, and North America.
Applicants from high-income countries should belong to a minority or underserved groups to be considered for funding. Groups that focus solely on international engagements without any community-based work are ineligible to apply.
You believe in and exhibit inclusive organizing, collective action and intersectional movement building.
Your group, network or collective is based in North America or Western Europe but is led by young people who are discriminated against and/or marginalized based on class, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, background, etc.
Non-partisan, non-violent, and legal movements.
For more information and application.