Deadline: 26TH May 2024
Young people are increasingly acknowledged as vital contributors to transformative climate action, playing roles such as negotiators, innovators, inventors, entrepreneurs, and agents of change. However, they face a significant shortfall in essential technical, financial, and political resources and support needed to fulfill their aspirations.
In response, the Government of Italy and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in collaboration with a range of knowledge partners and youth constituencies, have set out to identify, support and scale youth-led climate breakthroughs through the global Youth4Climate initiative.
Structured as an innovation challenge, this second edition of the Y4C Call for Solutions aims to support the work of young people and youth-led organisations in five thematic areas: Climate and Environment Literacy, Sustainable Energy, Food and Agriculture, Nature Assets, Sustainable Consumption and Production.
Successful applicants will be awarded:
- Up to US$ 30,000 to implement or scale the proposed innovations.
- The possibility to access technical support to strengthen their capacity on specific topics.
- The support from a mentor to develop their proposal.
- Storytelling opportunities during next events of the Youth4Climate initiative and through the Youth4Climate Platform and Website of UNDP and its partners.
thematic areas
The 2024 Call will fund youth-led solutions in five broad areas:
- Climate and Environmental Literacy
- Sustainable Energy
- Food and Agriculture
- Nature Assets
- Sustainable Consumption and Production
Application Process
Step 1
Go to the Call For Solutions 2024 Guideline and template page. You will need to register on the Youth4Climate Platform to gain access.
Step 2
Please download and read the Guidelines Document carefully. It will tell you everything you need to know on who can apply, the requirements and important deadlines.
Step 3
Download and fill out the budget and workplan template. Prepare a 3 minute video pitching your solution using the instructions provided in the Call For Solutions Guidelines.
Step 4
Complete your application and submit your proposal via the application platform! Deadline: 26 May
For more information and application.