Deadline:5th July 2024
For over 10 years, the Africa Agri-Food Development Programme (AADP) has been supporting Irish companies to realise their ambition of doing business in Africa.
The AADP rewards and backs ambition through matched grant funding. It has proven the catalyst that enables Irish businesses to explore and seize exciting opportunities to bring their expertise to Africa – to develop new markets and to contribute to a programme of mutual trade between Ireland and Africa.
The programme offers Irish agri businesses of all sizes an invaluable opportunity to develop and harness the potential from innovative partnerships with companies in sub-Saharan African countries. It allows businesses to manage their financial risk and to use their expertise and resources to work on projects jointly that will deliver a strong and positive
impact. The development programme supports sustainable growth of the local food industry and builds markets for local produce.
The AADP, which opens every six months for funding applications to support projects and feasibility studies, is co-managed and co-funded between the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) and the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).
- Funding can only be awarded to Irish-registered agri-food companies. Companies must be partnered with a local African enterprise for full project support
- AADP funds must be allocated in a manner that shows a direct line between the services and activities supported and the Programme’s core objectives.
- AADP funding is up to a maximum of € 250,000 per company for a Full Project and €100,000 for a Feasibility Study
- AADP funding will not exceed 50% of the total costs of the project – companies must contribute at least 50% of the overall costs
- All proposed projects must be commercial in nature and focus, and must contribute strongly to the sustainable development of the food system within the African country(ies) selected.
- All applicants must be agri-food companies that have been registered/incorporated in Ireland at least 12 months prior to the AADP application period commencing.
- Along with the relevant Application Form, all AADP applicants must provide:
- At least one year of audited accounts.
– Company and tax information.
– An account of project-related “flow of funds”.
– Any background contracts and Memoranda of Understanding.
– Any further documentation found to be relevant and agreed with partners.
– The partners involved for Full Projects must include at least one Irish registered agri food company and one local commercial entity in Africa. - All applicants for Full Projects must be able to demonstrate that they have at least three years of experience within their team in the relevant agri-food sector and development context
- The application must clearly outline how these two distinct companies will enter an equitable and ethical partnership.
- If an applicant company proposes to undertake a Feasibility Study, it should include a list of any potential partners within the
application. - All proposals must clearly explain:
– How the intended results of the project will provide additional contributions to the
sustainable development of the local agri-food system in the African country(ies).
– Why public funds are essential to finance the initiative and will not replace existing
funding sources - Projects will be supported in the following countries – Botswana, Cóte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Namibia, Nigeria, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
For more information and application.
how to apply please