African Development Fund Climate Action Window (CAW) Adaptation Sub-window (Grant US$ 258 million)

African Development Fund Climate Action Window (CAW) Adaptation Sub-window

Deadline: 2nd February, 2024

The African Development Bank Group has announced a call for proposals under Climate Action Window (CAW) for the Adaptation Sub-Window.

African Development Fund Climate Action Window (CAW) Adaptation Sub-windowProjects to be financed by the first CFPs of the Adaptation Sub-Window of the CAW must be Paris aligned, that is support the goal of the Paris agreement on climate mitigation and adaptation and building climate resilience.

These adaptation projects must reduce underlying causes of climate vulnerability at the systemic level and/or remove knowledge, capacity, technological, and other barriers to adaptation. Furthermore, adaptation should be the primary objective of the project.

These adaptation projects must support adaptation to climate change and climate variability, build resilience to climate related shocks and extreme events, or strengthen the adaptive capacity of ecological, social, or economic systems or policy processes. They should aim to reduce risks from the harmful effects of climate change (such as sea-level rise, extreme heat, extreme weather events, drought, flood, among others). They may also include the most beneficial opportunities associated with climate change. CAW will prioritize highly transformative and impactful adaptation projects. Project proposals must integrate gender, youth and underserved communities in fragile conditions.

Priority Sectors  

Projects financed under the CFP should originate from one or a combination of six priority sectors, namely:

1) Agriculture, food, and nutrition security;

2) Water security and sanitation;

3) Climate information services and early warning systems;

4) Transport and infrastructure;

5) Energy access and renewable energy;

6) Green finance.


For this adaptation call, the Climate Action Window will allocate approximately US$ 258 million.

The funding is in the form of grants.

Funding requested for a single project or programme may range between US$ 5 million to 15 million.

In exceptional cases and on recommendation by the Independent Evaluation Panel, funding may be granted above or below these limits.


(i) Governments and government entities of ADF countries (see below for a list of ADF countries)

(ii) African Development Bank departments: Bank departments may submit proposals directly or may work with eligible external beneficiaries to support them in preparing high quality project concept notes.

(iii) Regional or sub-regional intergovernmental bodies and other intergovernmental vehicles including climate centers, river basin organizations, economic communities.

(iv) Non-sovereign entities (such as NGOs and UN Agencies) that fulfil the eligibility criteria. Proposals from consortia are allowed if all members of the consortium are eligible beneficiaries.

Eligible Countries

Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, São Tomé & Príncipe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

For more information and application.


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