Deadline: 31st January 2025
Recognising the outstanding performance of individuals or institutions that have created true impact in the efficient execution of programmes related to FAO’s work
The FAO Award for Achievement recognizes professional achievements in various sectors such as fisheries, forestry, climate, land and water, animal and plant health, to name but a few. It is awarded to any entity or individual, including FAO teams or employees, for outstanding technical cooperation or humanitarian work at country level.
All nominees should demonstrate an exceptional and evident contribution to the advancement of the country or countries where they are assigned, in particular in the fields of sustainable agricultural and rural development, or food security. This can include technical innovations in agriculture, fisheries or forestry; institutional or administrative improvements; discoveries of new resources as a result of research, surveys or other investigations; establishment of training and research institutions; or achievements in any of the many other tasks assigned to FAO personnel or implementing partners.
- a scroll describing the achievements of the recipient institution and/or an award;
- a cash prize of USD 10 000.
To qualify, nominees should meet one or more of the criteria listed below. The winning individual or institution should be one that has implemented a programme having a model character and which has either:
- outstanding contribution to the advancement of the country or countries to which he or she was assigned, in particular in the fields of sustainable agricultural and rural development or food security. This contribution must be clearly identifiable and may take the form of technical innovations in agriculture, fisheries or forestry; institutional or administrative improvements;
- filled a critical gap and met successfully short-term technical assistance needs which could not be covered by other sources of support; and/or
- produced sustainable outcome and outputs and had particular catalytic effects such as increased mobilization of investment funds, large-scale follow-up action, policy and institutional changes; and/or
- particular emphasis will be given to the nature, the sustainability and the replicability of the achievements and the catalytic effects generated.
Selection Process
Proposals for nominations can be presented by national or regional institutions to FAO Representatives or FAO Regional and Sub-regional Representatives, in countries with no accredited FAO Representative. FAO National, Regional and Sub-regional Representatives or UNDP Resident Representatives may also submit nominations.
The Award is conferred for activities and programmes with remarkable achievements during the biennium preceding the current one. The Award will be presented by the Director-General to the individual or representative of the recipient institution during a special ceremony during the World Food Day.
For more information and application