First genetically modified crop developed in Ghana released

Officials and participants during the release of the variety
Officials and participants during the release of the variety

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Savanna Agricultural Research Institute has released the pod borer-resistant (PBR) cowpea, the first genetically modified crop to be developed in the country, for commercial cultivation.

Officials and participants during the release of the variety
Officials and participants during the release of the variety

This cowpea variety is resistant to diseases (pod borer pest), matures early, highly nutritious and gives higher yields.

With support of partners such as the United States Agency for International Development, and the African Agriculture Technology Trust Foundation (AATF), it took CSIR-SARI over a decade of research to get this PBR cowpea variety, as well as secure the necessary regulatory approval for its commercialisation in the country.

Professor Paul Bosu, Director-General of CSIR, speaking during the launch of the PBR cowpea at Nyankpala in the Northern Region on Thursday, said the release of the variety was in line with efforts towards food security in the country.

Cowpea is a vital crop for many smallholder farmers in the country, and it is a major source of protein and other nutrients for households, and its cultivation supports the livelihoods of many farmers.

However, the productivity of cowpea has been severely hampered by devastating impact of the pod borer pest; this pest can cause yield losses of up to 80 per cent leading to food insecurity and economic hardship for farmers hence the PBR cowpea.

Professor Bosu noted that the release of the variety was a special day for the country, saying CSIR was committed to cutting edge science to address national challenges.

Alhaji Shani Alhassan Saibu, Northern Regional Minister, whose speech was read on his behalf, said the release of the variety was testament to government’s commitment to advancing agriculture through technology.

He added that by releasing the variety, “We are taking bold steps towards food security and improving the livelihoods of the people.”

Professor Aggrey Ambali, Chairman, Board of Trustees, AATF said, “By adopting the PBR cowpea, farmers can look forward to improved productivity, increased incomes, and enhanced food security. The benefits of this innovation will go a long way in contributing to poverty reduction and better livelihoods of farming communities.”

Various stakeholders, including farmers and seed producers, in solidarity messages, expressed gratitude to partners for releasing the variety to boost productivity and incomes.

By Albert Futukpor, GNA


  1. These scientists should just make sure to LABEL the product as GMO as such so the enlightened Ghanaian can make an informed decision.
    It’s a pity when the ordinary black man and the fortunate educated ones are still being mentally colonized through “Acquired Imperialist Deficiency Syndrome” (AIDS) partly because of the influence of monitory gains through funding benefits from Western countries who do not care about the black man.
    Posterity and your conscience will judge all of you one day.

    If the Americans like to eat GMO products, let them eat it then. We don’t need to do that; we have enough space and opportunities to produce organic food.
    (—Dmitry Medvedev, former prime minister and president of Russia).

    On the flipside, there are dozens of nations that prohibit the cultivation of GMO crops, though estimates vary as regulations change. According to a 2013 analysis, 26 countries had total or partial bans on GMOs, “including Switzerland, Australia, Austria, China, India, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Italy, Mexico and Russia,” and that “significant restrictions on GMOs exist in about sixty other countries.” In 2015, anti-GMO group Sustainable Pulse said that 38 countries ban the cultivation of GMO crops. The group’s list includes Algeria and Madagascar in Africa; Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Bhutan, and Saudi Arabia in Asia; Belize, Peru, Ecuador, and Venezuela in South and Central America; and 28 countries in Europe.

    Countries with GMO prohibitions:

    Algeria: Cultivation banned. Imports banned.
    Australia: cultivation prohibited in Tasmania and Kangaroo island. Imports allowed.
    Austria: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Azerbaijan: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Belize: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Bhutan: Cultivation banned. Imports banned.
    Bosnia and Herzegovina: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Bulgaria: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Croatia: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Cyprus: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Denmark: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Ecuador: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    France: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Germany: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Greece: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Hungary: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    India: Bt cotton allowed, all others prohibited.
    Italy: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Kenya: Cultivation of white maize approved, all others prohibited. Import of white maize allowed.
    Kyrgyzstan: Cultivation banned. Imports banned.
    Latvia: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Lithuania: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Luxembourg: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Madagascar: Cultivation banned. Imports banned.
    Malta: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Moldova: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Netherlands: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales (United Kingdom): Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Norway: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Peru: Cultivation banned (though increasingly ignored). Imports of soy and corn allowed.
    Poland: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Russia: Cultivation banned. Imports banned.
    Saudi Arabia: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Serbia: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Slovenia: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
    Switzerland: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Turkey: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Ukraine: Cultivation banned (though law is widely ignored). Imports allowed.
    Venezuela: Cultivation banned. Imports banned.

    Regions with GMO prohibitions:

    Humboldt (+Arcata City), California, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Marin, California, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Mendocino (+City of Point Arena), California, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Sonoma County, California, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Trinity, California, US: Cultivation banned.
    Sonoma County, California, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Trinity, California, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Santa Cruz, California, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Boulder County (+Boulder City), Colorado, US: planned ban GMO corn and sugar beets on county-owned land by 2023 & 2025 respectively
    Jackson County, Oregon, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Montville County, Maine, US: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed (enforcement officially expired in 2018).
    San Juan County, Washington, US: Cultivation banned.
    South Australia, Australia: Cultivation banned on Kangaroo Island only. Imports allowed.
    Tasmania, Australia: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
    Wallonian Region, Belgium: Cultivation prohibited.

    These countries especially the European countries banned GMO *because GMOs is that the advantage to agriculture and food production is often* *considered weak or non-existent, while the risks are considered substantial (Sylvie Bonny, BIP review article ).

  2. You put out an issue there without Analysing and highlighting the risks involved in the cultivation and consumption of the GMO crops. Listing out countries where the crops are banned served no purpose without explaining or giving the reasons. You could as well state nations where they are allowed. The black man is always suspicious of the white man and yet are lazily and heavily dependent on them. We are busily destroying our environment and we are likely to experience droughts hence the need for producing drought resistant and high yielding crops that will solve the severe hunger and severe malnutrition problems on the continent. And this one too people will complain? I want a detailed and scientific analysis of the dangers of dealing in this kind of crops.

  3. it’s so disheartening to see the fight against GMO with these Agriculture cabal appear lost…..until the agents and their families become victims of their own decisions, we, the very concerned citizens, must continue to educate our children and families


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