On behalf of the IFC Agribusiness Competitiveness Advisory Project, Economic Sense invites you to submit an application to receive technical assistance on investment needs assessment, business case development, and facilitation of access to finance.
The Invest Ghana: Agribusiness competitiveness project is implemented by IFC in collaboration with the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and provides advisory support services on expanding investments in the fruit and rice sectors. As part of its activities, the Project in 2022 will deliver tailored advisory services that meet the needs of firms in identified areas such as investment needs assessment, business case development, and facilitation of access to finance.
The project requests firms active in the rice and fruit sectors to submit applications to receive advisory services.
The technical support for the advisory services will be implemented by Economic Sense from March to December 2022. Under Invest Ghana’s project activity on investment promotion, Economic Sense is responsible for providing technical advisory services to agribusiness firms.
Who is Economic Sense?
Economic Sense is a boutique consulting firm specializing in sustainable economic development. For over a decade Economic Sense has been implementing economic development projects in the rice and fruit value chain. The firm specializes in:
· Technical support.
· Business modelling.
· Investment brief development.
· Access to finance strategy.
· Market study & market linkages.
· Technology and innovations in the agri-processing sector.
International Finance Corporation (IFC)—a member of the World Bank Group—is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. We work in more than 100 countries, using our capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities in developing countries.
The IFC Invest Ghana project since 2019 has been active in supporting investment promotion in the fruit and rice value chains. During the last 3 years, in particular, the project in cooperation with Economic Sense has developed strategic investment briefs and business models to identify the commercial opportunities for investment in Ghana in these value chains. The following output has been developed:
Fruit value chain
· Strategic investment brief
· Juice and concentrate plant business brief
· Nursery business brief
Rice Value Chain
· Strategic investment brief
· Integrated rice mills business brief
· Irrigated rice farmer business brief
The Nature of Technical Support.
In 2022, the project aims to provide tailored advisory services to agribusiness firms active in the sector in support of their investments plans. The advisory service will be provided to participating firms in the following 3 generic areas:
1. Investment needs assessment: The advisory service will assist firms on a range of issues surrounding the need to strengthen investment plans either for the purpose of expansion or upgrade of operations.
2. Validation and strengthening of the Busines Cases: to ensure that the investment makes commercial sense and can be presented to potential financiers.
3. Facilitation of access to finance: Provide advisory support in linking up with private-sector financial institutions, other investors and where merited the IFC investment team. This includes introductions and mentoring on business plan development.
Who can apply?
1. Agribusiness firms (private, foreign, national) operating in Ghana.
a. Enterprises operating in the fruit value chain.
b. Enterprises operating in the rice value chain.
2. Enterprises looking to expand investment in professional orchards or in fruit juice production, rice paddy production and milling, etc.
3. Companies with an existing investment concept that are looking to make rapid progress in 2022.
Instructions for the Application.
This call for application includes the following steps:
· Step1: The firm is required to complete a short application form (please follow the link to fill in the application).
· Step2: The firm will be contacted based on an assessment of its investment concept and/or business idea.
· Step3: Tailored technical advisory support on such topics as financial modelling and business plan development.
· Stpe4: Firms participate in facilitated linkages with financial institutions (where relevant).
The deadline to submit the application is the 18th of March. Please use the link below to submit the application: httpss://ee.kobotoolbox.org/EAhpNhJ6
For further information, kindly contact us at the following email address:
Primary contact: ghanainvest@timeforsense.com Secondary contact: skonlan@ifc.org