Women in the Digital Economy Fund (Funding: $500,000 – $1,500,000)

Women in the Digital Economy Fund

Deadline: 6th May, 2024

WiDEF is committed to closing the gender digital divide by scaling evidence-based, proven solutions that improve women’s livelihoods, economic security and resilience.

Women in the Digital Economy FundFor this round, WiDEF invites local entities to submit applications for grants and technical support to scale existing solutions that have made measurable progress toward closing the gender digital divide in their contexts and contribute to transformative approaches to digital inclusion.

WiDEF seeks to support entities that are rooted in the communities in which they seek to affect change and have demonstrated successful approaches to advancing gender equality and/or digital inclusion for women, girls, and other marginalized populations.

This funding opportunity aims to scale proven solutions that:

  • Drive digital inclusion for women through meaningful access to and use of digital technology
  • Significantly closes the gender digital divide in their context
  • Are economically sustainable and scalable.


Support from WiDEF can include funding ranging from $500,000 – $1,500,000.


Both local nonprofit and for-profit local entities are eligible for grant funding. Successful
applications will propose:

  • A solution that advances digital inclusion broadly and aims to integrate and scale a
    proven solution to effectively address gender constraints and close the gender digital
  • Specific integration of at least two of the core priority areas above, in addition to
    generating data and insights.
  • Clearly articulate which components of their existing or proposed programs are
    scalable across different contexts, and which are specific to the location/context of
    their pilot/current program.
  • Entities must have, or be able to adopt, gender-based violence mitigation policies for
    all digital inclusion activities.
  • Entities need to meet USAID Eligibility Requirements (see Appendix A).

USAID Eligibility Checklist

  • All countries are eligible, excluding Afghanistan, Burma, China, Cuba, Haiti, Jordan,
    Lebanon, Syria, Venezuela; entries from India are ineligible for Round 1 funding as WiDEF will be launching India-specific funding opportunities in late 2024/early 2025.
  • Organizations need to fit the following USAID Local Entity criteria:
  • Is legally organized under the laws of a country that is receiving assistance from
  • Has its principal place of business or operations in a country receiving assistance from
  • Is majority-owned by individuals who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of a
    country receiving assistance from USAID; and
  • Is managed by a governing body, the majority of whom are citizens or lawful
    permanent residents of a country receiving assistance from USAID.
  • Entities have, or are in the process of obtaining, a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).
  • Entities are familiar with applicable sections in the Mandatory and Required-as
    Applicable Standard Provisions for Non- U.S. Non-Governmental Organizations and sign
    and upload the necessary Recipient and Solicitation Standard Provisions certifications as
    part of the application.

For more information and application.


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